Computer Navigated Surgery

  • Post category:Spine Health

William Capicotto, Computer Navigated Surgery, buffalo spine surgery, buffalo spine surgeon

Computer navigated spinal surgery is a fascinating marriage between man and machine that provides patients with a more accurate and effective surgical procedure. Using the latest in three-dimensional imaging technology, computer navigated spine surgery allows your surgeon to view and manipulate the position of specialized instruments to perform procedures that were never possible using just the naked eye. The results of this advancement in technology can be measured with improved safety and efficiency as well as shorter surgical procedure times.

What is Computer Navigated Surgery?

Computer navigated surgery requires several systems working in sync to accomplish a successful surgical procedure. Before your surgery is set to begin, patients may be required to have imagery from a CT or MRI taken. This scan is uploaded into highly specialized software that interprets the imaging data and renders a virtual, three dimensional image of the patient’s spine. This helps the surgeon to study and plan the procedure more precisely. During the procedure a specialized infrared camera and monitor are utilized to work in correlation with software and a series of specialized instruments equipped with LED lighting to provide pin-point accurate imagery that can be zoomed, rotated and manipulated in real time. This added level of detail greatly increases the surgeon’s viewing capabilities allowing them to make incredibly subtle adjustments to improve accuracy and efficiency during a procedure.

What Are the Benefits of Computer Navigated Surgery?

Computer navigated surgery helps make minimally invasive surgeries possible by offering increased visibility and accuracy. The increased visibility helps to minimize the size of incisions and decreases surgical times typically resulting in less tissue damage, scarring and post-op pain allowing for reduced recovery times. It can also help to reduce the number of X-rays a patient may need prior to their procedure, helping to reduce patient exposure to radiation.

William Capicotto MD, PC Spine Surgery

Here at William Capicotto MD we stay current with surgical advancements to provide our patients with improved efficiency and accuracy for an improved surgical experience. For more information about any of our procedures, contact our office to schedule a consultation at (716) 881-0382.